Do you meal plan? I have something to admit…at age 39 and a half I’ve never really meal planned. There I said it. I just wing it most days or my handy husband steps in. Not ideal!
Well, that stops today because I designed and am sharing 19 free meal planning worksheets.
Being the creative that I am, I usually need something free and pretty to motivate me. That’s why I designed these free worksheets in 19 different options.
I hope they inspire you to plan your dinners and bring a little color and cheer into your space.
You can print out a new sheet each week or print one and affordably laminate it and use it over and over. The environment would love that!
I love using affordable clipboards for things like this. They work for my free weekly planners and my free 2020 calendars.
Here’s a look at all 19 free meal planning worksheets.
See one or two you like? Click on the caption link on each one to download the high resolution file. From there you can control click the image and save to your computer or you can drag it to your desktop.
Below each image is a high resolution download link — simply click that link to download the high resolution files.
From there you can control click the image and save to your computer or you can drag it to your desktop.
I mixed in some simple options that work printed in color or black and white and use less ink, but also some more saturated and colorful options.
I’m going to have a hard time deciding which ones to use, so I’ll probably print out 4 and plan the whole month at once.
These colorful ones would look awesome hangin on our black and gold clipboard in our kitchen.
We’re also out of printer ink at the moment, so I think I’ll print 4 at my local UPS store. They print very affordably on heavy paper stock.
I love having that option when I run out of ink — I should really order extra and plan ahead, haha! Oops.
Keep scrolling for more options and don’t forget to click the link below each one to download your favorite in high resolution.
These rainbow options make me smile. I love neutrals, but so really love color too!
Did you see any 19 free meal planning worksheets that you like? I plan to print a mix of neutral and colorful ones.
If you use any of my free art printables I’d LOVE to see them! Please tag me via Insta, Twitter, or Facebook photos — I’m very thankful when you Pin my work as well.
I love sharing free printables regularly and enjoy getting your requests for printable ideas, so please let me know your thoughts by connecting with me on social.