I created something brand new to the blog this weekend — FREE printable weekly calendars!
Camilla, an Instagram follower from Denmark, reached out to me and said she uses a lot of my freebies, but could really use some printable weekly calendars. She likes this format because they obviously allow much more room for writing in daily to dos. I totally agree with her and have used some store bought weekly calendars myself.
I’m not sure why I never thought to make and share my own versions for FREE. That changes today!
If you have requests please reach out and let me know. I’m always happy to add new freebies to my blog as long as I think some of my other readers will be interested in them. 🙂
I designed 21 different design options for you to choose from, and I provided a simple version as well as a version with “weekly planner” at the top. I also kept in mind that some people only have black and white printers. There are a few options that would look great printed black and white.
I also added in some space underneath the weekday text so you can write in the date or week if you prefer.
Download your FREE weekly printable organizers here
Here’s a look at the simple (no headline text) options:
Download your FREE weekly printable organizers here
And here are the options with the “weekly planner” text added:
Do you see any that you like? Download your FREE weekly printable organizers here
All you need is a color printer and some paper! If you don’t have that, you could always have some sheets printed at your local UPS or FexEd stores. They have printed some things for me very affordably when I’m out of ink.
I’m planning on printing a fresh new sheet out every Monday at work and using it to organize my to do list. I’ll also print a couple extras for home so we can better plan our weeks, meals, workouts, and more!
It’s amazing how one cute sheet of paper can inspire me to get organized.
If you print and use these weekly planners, I’d absolutely love for you to tag me in your Insta, Twitter, or Facebook photos, and I’m always so very thankful when you Pin my work as well.