Calling all watermelon lovers! I’m excited to share a fun and easy tutorial on how to make your very own outdoor DIY watermelon door mat. It’s so easy I ended up making mine over my lunch break. I absolutely love how it turned out!

How to make a cute DIY watermelon door mat

The hardest part for me was locating the perfect outdoor natural rug. I searched a handful of hardware and home goods stores, but couldn’t find one, so I ended up back on Amazon to find oneDIY  //  HOW TO MAKE A CUTE WATERMELON DOOR MAT, Oh So Lovely Blog (it was even a prime item). The thing I love the most is that the mat is “double-sided” and I plan on painting the other side in a different design. Two for one is always a good thing. 🙂

Ok let’s get started!


Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Gather your supplies

+ Natural DoormatDIY  //  HOW TO MAKE A CUTE WATERMELON DOOR MAT, Oh So Lovely Blog
+ ArtMinds Outdoor Acrylic Paint (or similar)DIY  //  HOW TO MAKE A CUTE WATERMELON DOOR MAT, Oh So Lovely Blog
+ Paint Brush SetDIY  //  HOW TO MAKE A CUTE WATERMELON DOOR MAT, Oh So Lovely Blog
+ Sponge
+ Scissors
+ Marker
+ 3 taper plates

Take your marker and draw a watermelon shape on it.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Take your scissors and cut out the shape. Just dig right in with your scissors and start cutting. The sponge is pretty easy to cut. You can even do like I did and cut the shape down so it’s not as thick. Just clean up the edges of the side you will use as your stamp until you’re happy with the shape. It doesn’t have to be perfect. I cut two shapes to use to help make it not so uniform.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Mix up your pink paint on a paper plate. I mixed pink and a coral color to get the shade I wanted.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Dip your sponge into the paint, and make sure it is fully coated in the paint. Press firmly down on the door mat. Since the mat is so textured the sponge won’t  fill in the paint completely, but it does give you the watermelon shape you will need.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Repeat this step until your mat is covered and you are happy with the look.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

I took my coral paint and spread it on the same paper plate.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Take your brush and fill in the shapes with coral. It produces a pretty pink and color. Repeat this step until all watermelon pieces are filled to your liking.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Take your green paint(s) and spread on a new paper plate.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Using your brush hand “draw” on the rind shapes. Use heavy blotting motions with my brush to ensure good paint coverage.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Repeat this step until all  are rinds drawn.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Take your black paint and spread onto a new paper plate.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Take a smaller paint brush, and dab on the seeds. Try to make them seeds random and different on your watermelons.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

Once you’re happy with your seeds, you are finished! Simply lay your mat flat until it dries. Once dry, place it on your porch and wait for the compliments.

Make cute DIY watermelon door mat

This rug could be super cute in a pineapple or other fruit design as well. I might paint pineapples on the reverse side.

What do ya think? Wanna give it a try? I’d LOVE to see your finished project on InstagramFacebook , or Twitter. Just give me a tag.

**P.S. I’ll be doing this tutorial live on KCTV5’s Better Kansas City on Monday, July 18 around 9 am. Tune in if you can!**



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