Free 2023 calendars, anyone? I’m so pumped to share my designs for this year! All 200 design options are available for download in horizontal/landscape AND vertical formats in Sunday or Monday starts.
I started offering the vertical options last year, and they seem to have been a hit! So I did them again this year.
Sunday starts are letter size and the Monday starts are A4 size.
I know I always share an overwhelming amount, but I just can’t help it! There is a design style for everyone … from super minimal and clean, neutral or bright and colorful.
Take a look at all the Sunday start horizontal options below (don’t forget they’re all available in Monday starts too)!
Please note, all 2023 calendars are full 12 month January through December PDFs, but I’m only showing January images in this blog post.
*** Click any turquoise button throughout this post to go to the download page. If you need complete instructions on how to download, scroll to the bottom of this post.***
Do you love my freebies and want to help me continue to create free content? You can help me keep my blog going with a simple one-time or recurring donation. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
See any free 2023 calendars that you love? Download them here!
And don’t forget the landscape/horizontal options are also available in Monday starts A4 size!
Do you love my freebies and want to help me continue to create free content? You can help me keep my blog going with a simple one-time or recurring donation. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
And now it’s time to introduce to you my 45 FREE 2023 calendars in vertical/portrait options! Let’s go.
Do you prefer landscape or portrait? I have had lots of requests for vertical over the years and was finally able to offer those last year. I’m excited to bring them back!
Below I’m showing Monday starts (A4 paper size), but don’t forget I also offer them in Sunday starts (letter sized paper).
You might also like my FREE monthly desktop wallpapers!
And I’ll be sharing my FREE 2023 desktop wallpapers soon too! Looking for 2022 versions of those?
I’m offering these calendars completely free, no email signup required. But I do have one huge favor to ask of you… I spend 80+ hours designing these 200 calendars each year completely free to you, and I’d be soooo appreciative if you’d take 10 seconds to sign up for my mailing list below.
I only send my email newsletters very occasionally, and I promise not to annoy you.
Do you love my freebies and want to help me continue to create free content? You can help me keep my blog going with a simple one-time or recurring donation. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
A few of things to note on my FREE 2023 calendars:
- I kept the notes section at the bottom again this year since so many of you like that.
- Holidays are not listed again this year because people all over the world use these calendars and there are just too many different holidays celebrated to list. Here is a good link to all global holidays for specific countries that you can use to write them in yourself. Thank you for understanding!
- Back by popular demand, I added the vertical options for the second time ever.
How to download my calendars
This link takes you to a Dropbox folder, then….
- Select either “Horizontal – Landscape” or “Vertical – Portrait,” which opens another folder where you can then choose “Sunday Start Letter landscape” or “Monday Start A4 vertical.” Click on one and peruse the options available.
- Scroll down to view all calendar options, then click on your favorite, whcihwill enlarge it.
- Click “Download” in the top right corner, then “Direct Download” to save directly to your computer.
- Locate your download on your computer and open the PDF.
- Print the PDF fit to page on your letter size or A4 paper. I recommend printing these on a heavier, smooth card stock paper. You can also have it printed at your favorite online or local print shop.
- This is a good printer I’d recommend if you’re on the hunt.
2023 calendar organization ideas
If you prefer my horizontal calendars over the vertical options, I did some research and they do sell some good horizontal clipboards.
I’m going to be buying one of these horizontal clipboards to use with my chosen calendar:
And here are some affordable vertical clipboard options if you’re in the market.
I truly hope you found some free 2023 calendars that you love, but please let me know if you have any requests for next year. I try to accommodate requests whenever possible. 🙂
P.S. If you’re on the hunt for a good color printer to print these calendars and other freebies here are some high quality options for you!