Looking for a thoughtful, homemade gift idea?
These state + city themed tea towels are so easy and fun to make.
Gather your materials.
+ Any extra fabric you have laying around
+ Sharpie marker
+ Your state printed template
(scroll to the bottom of this post for your free KS and MO printables or youcan google image other states)
(scroll to the bottom of this post for your free KS and MO printables or youcan google image other states)
+ Iron on adhesive (OR needle and thread OR fabric glue)
You will also need an iron (if you choose the iron on route) and a printer.
Cut out the printed state templates and trace around them with your sharpie onto the fabric. Next, cut out the state shapes.
If using the iron on method, cut the material to fit the shape of the state (make sure you cover the fabric as much as possible). Remember to apply the iron on adhesive to the backside (flipped) side of the state shape.
To get your fabric hearts, cut 2 “freehanded” hearts from some fabric in another color.
Flip your state over gently (making sure your iron on material stays underneath the fabric). Iron the state to the tea towel. Make sure you follow the directions on the iron on material packaging.
Finally, you will want to iron your heart(s) to your state.
Voilà….you have your very own KC ♥ tea towel(s). Enjoy!
Click on your desired state, which will open it al full size. Print it actual size on your printer.
Featured on page 38 of VintageKC Magazine!
Stopping over from VintageKC – this is a great project! I think these would make a really sweet gift, too!
Hi Kim. Thank you!! 🙂
Precious idea! Thanks for the templates!
I love these!
thank you sarah!! so easy 😀