So, I’m pretty excited to say that I finally pulled the trigger, and am in the process of transferring this ole Blogger blog to WordPress! Whoohoo!
I’ve wanted to take the leap for awhile now, and it feels good that the ball is finally rolling.
Are you thinking about making the switch as well? If so, hopefully these quick tips can help you in some way.
I purchased a super fun WordPress theme template from Pretty Darn Cute. Their stuff is fully customizable and sooo good, you guys. Such a great find!
On to the actual blog transfer….the less fun part.
I did a ton of research on transferring the blog myself, and I decided that would be a bad idea. I didn’t want to take the chance that I could lose everything, or that it would take me MONTHS to do. Mama ain’t got no time for that, haha!
I’m so happy that I found Pauline, an expert from Etsy to transfer my old blog to the new one for about $130. Sign me up!
That price includes:
+ Domain & Web Hosting Setup, Wordpress Installation, Installation of essential plugins (SEO plugin, social sharing, google analytics, anti-spam plugin, security plugin, back up plugin & cache plugin).
+ Install theme with my logo and colors, etc. That’s a bargain in my book! And it’s such a relief to know an expert is handling that task for me in 1-3 days. :)I cannot wait to see how everything transfers.Once the migration happens, I’ll most likely be off line for a few days adding my design touches, personalizing it, etc. But come next week I should be up and running on my fancy new blog. 🙂
Anyone else ever make a transfer from Blogger to WordPress? If so, I’d love to hear ALL about it.
Or are you a WordPress veteran? Your feedback, tips, or tricks would be very much appreciated!
Thank you for sharing a great information and useful. it really necessary and timely for me at this time. I wanted to share this information with my friends on the social network facebook.
thanks for the guide its awesome
i have migrated it successfully.
Thank you very much for your post, it makes us have more and more discs in our life, So kind for you.I also hope you will make more and more excellent post and let’s more and more talk, thank you very much.
We all know that halloween is such a pretty festival/event. Which is being celebrated all over the world.
May the day delight and the moments measure all the special joys for all of you to treasure. May the year ahead be fruitful too, for your home and family and especially for you. Happy Eid Mubarak To You!
Hey Audrey, I just landed on your blog and it’s pure awesomeness ( like you are).
Welcome to WordPress community. Here you can find stability, security and flexibility.
As a long time WP veteran, here’s some tips:
1. Use Wp Super Cache instead of ZenCache. Don’t know how to set it? google wp super cache hostgator , and you will find a very detailed tutorial on How to set this awesome plugin.
2. For security I recommend (and urge you) to install All In One WP Security. You need to protect your wordpress from being attacked. Failed logins protection, Firewall, Brute force protector and many other cool things that will keep you in the safe zone.
3. If your web host allows it, you can also use CloudFlare. For extra speed and security.
4. Have a link to your sitemap somewhere in your footer. You can even use a plugin if you want to get a HTML sitemap also ( for users). You can have both. I recommend this because not all search engines know how to find your sitemap.
5. You are a visual entuziast (Like I am). You need WP Smush – It will automatically reduce the size of your images without affecting quality. Better load time, happier visitors.
6. WP-Sweep is a great plugin to clean-up your wordpress. ” WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unused, orphaned and duplicated data in your WordPress. It cleans up revisions, auto drafts, unapproved comments, spam comments, trashed comments, orphan post meta, orphan comment meta, orphan user meta, orphan term relationships, unused terms, duplicated post meta, duplicated comment meta, duplicated user meta and transient options. It also optimizes your database tables.”
For now, that’s what I can think off. But hey, give me an email and we can discuss more about the Awesomeness that WP is. Or maybe I can write on my blog about your blog. Who knows? Sky’s the limit.
Have a great day !
Thanks so much for the great tips, Cornel!! I appreciate it. 🙂