DIY bat mobile
I know it’s a tad early, but I am already getting a jump start on my Halloween DIY projects up in heeere. 🙂
I found a dead tree branch in my back yard this week and decided that after spray painting it, it would work perfectly for a DIY bat mobile (yes, I see practically everything as DIY project material, ha).
For this project you will need:
– A wood branch
– Black spray paint
– Black thread
– Scissors
– Scotch Tape
– Black card stock paper
– Ink pen
Print out the bat template, cut out all 3 bats, and use them to trace the bat shapes onto your black paper. I used a carpenter’s pencil, which is pretty thick. For more precise tracing I recommend a regular ink pen.
Once you have traced your desired number of bats, cut them out with your scissors.
Fold your bats 3 times like so.
Cut your black thread to your desired length, and scotch tape it to the top part of the bat (the side that won’t be visible form the ground).
I was out of scotch tape, so I used roller tape instead. I will be going back and taping over the thread area when I get more tape for extra security.
Hang your branch from the ceiling. I used 3 clear thumb tacks.
Simply wrap your thread around the tack numerous times and stick it into the ceiling.
Once your branch is hung to your liking, start hanging your bats from your branch in varying lengths.
Cut your excess thread, and step back and admire your spooky DIY bat mobile!
The mobile looks awesome at night above our entry table with pumpkins, candles and my DIY Halloween marquee lights.
See how I made the DIY BOO marquee lights