I needed a creative break from my creative projects today (yes, that’s a thing, haha), so I decided to design a little something: You Do You free printables. They’re inspired by my boss, Ashley (she hates being called that). She’s the most flexible and laid back person ever and her phrase is “do you.” or “you do you.”
As long as the work gets done she doesn’t care when or where you do it, and I’ve been the happiest EVER since I’ve ben lucky enough to work with her and the rest of the Hello Big Idea team. This phrase also means flexibility to me, but it also serves as a reminder that life is short and we all need to do what makes us happy.
Ok, enough mushy stuff. Here’s the end result of my lil sketch. I wanted to share it with anyone who might enjoy it.
And here is a peek at the other color options.
Click here to download your favorite You Do You free printables!
Hope you like them!