I hope you all had a lovely Labor Day weekend!

We were lame and stayed in, but I got a lot of projects done on the house and invented a few more, ha.

On Saturday morning I decided that it was the day to start transforming our unused formal dining room into my home office/craft studio and family lounge.

Per usual, I didn’t waste any time. Vivi and I went to an antique and thrift store down the street from our house. At the thrift store I scored a very cool vintage table/desk and chair just needing a little bit of paint to make them perfect.

She’s my lucky thrifting charm.

DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog

I started removing the dining table and decor and painting the desk and chair on Saturday night after V went to bed.

The room was looking a little chaotic…

DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog

By the next evening 85% of the new office was already complete (when I have a project I don’t waste any time, ha). And best part – it has only cost me $100 so far.

All I have yet to do is place the area rug, style some shelves and wait for my new Ikea pendant light to arrive in 9 days…uggh 9 days…I’m so impatient.

Once those elements are added I’ll reveal the before and after photos.

Oh the new DIY banquette area….I almost forgot…
As I said, we only use the dining room a few times a year and mostly eat in our small dining area in the kitchen. To make up for the loss of the dining room, we are building a custom corner banquette seating area in the kitchen, which will seat 6ish people and be our new casual dining area.

We haven’t started on the project yet, but here is sort of an idea of what we are wanting to accomplish (with different colors and our own spin on it…and for dirt cheap, of course).

DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog

And lastly, here’s a quick photo recap of the weekend that didn’t involve any DIYing…

My mother-in-law came for a lovely little visit, we grilled dinner and  just hung out. It was so nice!

Daddy and Vivi hamming it up:

DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog
I took some quick 14 month photos of Vivi playing in the yard before we ran some errands. This happy girl melts my heart daily. 🙂
DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog
DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog
DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog


DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog


DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog


DIY  //  WEEKEND RECAP, Oh So Lovely Blog

That pretty much covers it. :)PS. Incase anyone likes the moccasins they are made by Amanda at The Coral Pear. You can see a complete product review I did for these mocks here.
