{also featured on}There are so many fun party garland ideas an inspirations out there. Garland can be used as fun party décor or even for whimsical home décor.
Recently my friend, Alex Gray and I worked together to decorate a surprise engagement party for our friends Lizzie and Rusty. Lizzie loves the color combination turquoise and coral, so we used that as a theme to start with.
Alex was in charge of the tissue paper poms and some fun coral and turquoise garland, and I handled the cupcake toppers and some paper pinwheels. Between the two of us, we pulled off a successfully decorated party.
Alex’s garland turned out beautifully, so I wanted to share her easy step-by-step directions with you. (I will show you how I made my paper pinwheels and cupcake toppers in a future post, so stay tuned…of course there will be some free printables involved…my fave!)
Here is what you will need and some simple directions to make your own paint sample garland:
+10-20 paint sample squares in preferred color #1
+10-20 paint sample squares in preferred color #2
+Paper cutter or an exacto knife/ruler/cutting mat
+Hot glue gun
+Twine or yard
DIY  //  GARLAND, Oh So Lovely Blog
 1. Collect your supplies. I suggest picking up the paint samples at your local Westlake Ace Hardware or Elements of Green (downtown). Home Depot or Hobby Lobby also have good paint samples.
2. With a paper cutter (or an exacto/ruler) cut vertical strips of the paint samples (approximately 1″ to 1.5″ in width).
3. Hot glue each paper strip to the twine.
4. Continue to evenly hot glue each paper strip until you get to your desired length  (You can alternate colors or do solid color options. You can also leave the ends flat or cut a “v” shape out of them with scissors – like the example).
5. Hang your banner(s) above your cupcakes, dessert table or gift table for a fun, unexpected pop of whimsy and color.

6. Using scotch tape or tying the twine to a fixed object, you can hang the garland separately or alternating in a doorway or gift table to create more length.

If you wish to use something other than paint samples, you can buy pretty paper from Paper Source on the plaza and use that instead..the possibilities  are endless.
PS. The newly engaged couple loved the decor and had a blast at their engagement party!
Congratulations Lizzie & Rusty! xo
DIY  //  GARLAND, Oh So Lovely Blog

PPS. The garland master, Alex is on the left. Thanks for letting me feature your oh so lovely project! 🙂

DIY  //  GARLAND, Oh So Lovely Blog