I mentioned last week that we were putting our house on the market. Well later Friday afternoon it went live. Whoa!!
You can click here to view the listing, details, and of course some photos. If you happen to have any friends in the Kansas City area (Olathe) who are looking to buy, please share this link with them.
We aren’t desperate to sell, and if it doesn’t work out we won’t be heartbroken because we love our home and neighborhood. We’re just going to see what happens. 🙂
Stay tuned all this week. I’m going to be adding more photos of our home to the home tour section of the blog. I’ll also describe what I did to each room to update it—on a budget of course.
And lastly, check our my friend Nancy’s blog and website. She’s a fantastic realtor who really knows her stuff. She shares lots of great decorating tips on her blog, so I recommend subscribing ASAP.
Thank you so much!